Solar Fantasy – Aubrey & Lindsey Retold – Ch. 6 up on Patreon!

Scene 6 of Solar Fantasy – Aubrey & Lindsey Retold is up on my Patre♡n! Please enjoy this sneak peek and join me for more.


“Who was that beautiful man at the party?”

Graves gave him a blank look. “You’ll have to be a little more specific. I rather stacked the deck in that regard.”

Upon reflection, Lindsey supposed all the guests had looked quite fashionable. But to his mind, there was only one truly beautiful man. “Dark hair, compelling eyes.”

“Beardsley?” Graves guessed. “Long face, slender hands, tall, artistic type?”

“What? No,” said Lindsey. “Shorter than myself—”

“Most people are,” Graves said in the tone of one who’d often lamented it.

“Shorter than you,” Lindsey added.

“That’s something, at least,” Graves sighed. “Why didn’t you ask him his name at the time? Not shy, surely.”

“No,” Lindsey said. “Its just I didn’t think of it. We stopped talking after a certain point.”

At first it seemed this allusion might pass Graves by. Then, with a spark of understanding which turned to wonder, he stared at Lindsey. “Do you perhaps mean your mouths were otherwise occupied?”

“Yes,” said Lindsey with heat rising in his cheeks. He didn’t see why Graves had to make such a point of it. Graves himself was no stranger to, well, encounters with strangers.

“How occupied?” Graves demanded with a wolfish grin.

“Enough so that I failed to catch his name,” Lindsey said firmly, hoping to dissuade any further delving for details.

Graves appeared disappointed, but glossed over it with reasonable grace. “And you wish to see him again.”

“Very much so.”

“Can you recall any more details?”

Lindsey could recall a great many, but he didn’t think they were of a sort Graves would recognize. Or maybe they were. Perhaps Graves had dallied with the beautiful man before. Lindsey felt a pang, more sympathetic than jealous. He’d heard how Graves spoke of his more casual conquests, and didn’t like the idea of him speaking of the beautiful man in the same tones. “Heart-shaped face. Cupid’s bow lips. Sharp features—cheekbones in particular. And his eyes…” Here Lindsey faltered, not for lack of memory, but overcome by it. “Large and dark, with such a gaze as would bring anyone to his knees.”

Graves’s own eyes widened. “Would it, now?”

Too late, Lindsey realized the implications of his description. “You know what I mean.”


Did you want more Aubrey and Lindsey – but in a whole new world?

Joining me on Patre♡n will give you access to “drawer fic” – aka the 500k+ words worth of manuscripts that have been shelved until I figure out how to fix or finish them.

A new scene will go up every week. Missing (unwritten) scenes will be indicated by brackets describing what would probably happen if the scene were written. Example: [in this scene Aubrey and Lindsey ride a carousel]

Currently posting…
♡ the Aubrey & Lindsey solar fantasy project (mm) (90k)

Future posts will include…
♡ Shakespeare’s Henriad with elves and dragons (mm)
♡ what if a Welsh vampire dated an English baronet and a Portuguese whaler together and also it was Victorian times (mmm)
♡ Gilded Age murder mystery in small-town Massachusetts (mm)
♡ Hold Fast 2: Hold Faster (mm)

See you on Patre♡n!

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