Mr Warren’s Profession


Mr Warren’s Profession

Lindsey Althorp, the only son of a wealthy baronet, has never worked a day in his life. Aubrey Warren was born in a workhouse and hasn’t stopped working since.

When Lindsey wins a textile mill in a game of cards, he falls at first sight for the assistant clerk, Aubrey. Lindsey is certain that Aubrey is the Achilles to his Patroclus, the David to his Jonathan. Yet Aubrey, unaccustomed to affection, refuses to be a kept man—though he isn’t immune to Lindsey’s considerable charm.

Buoyed by Lindsey’s optimism and fuelled by Aubrey’s industry, the two men strive to overcome the class gulf between them. But a horrific accident reveals a betrayal that threatens to tear them apart forever.

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Reviews for Mr Warren’s Profession

Rating: 4.75 stars
This was such a fun and enjoyable read. Mr. Warren Profession hit all my happy buttons right from the beginning. The historical aspect is very well done and the author does a fantastic job of describing the life of the working class near the turn of the twentieth century. There is never an extensive amount of information dumped on the reader at any one time, but instead the historical aspect of Mr. Warren’s Profession is integrated with an excellent finesse. There is a natural style to the writing that lends itself to a relaxing easiness that I absolutely appreciated. … The history is well done and blended so well with the overall story that even readers who don’t enjoy historical fiction will find something to appreciate. … Consider it highly recommended!

M.R. Graham, USA Today bestselling author:

Rating: 4 stars
Complex, emotional, INCREDIBLY well-researched, powerful characterization.
Mr. Warren’s Profession is beautifully written in language reminiscent of its setting, with a strong plot, excellent pacing, just enough historical detail that it does not lapse into pedantry, lovely description… I dislike reading explicit sex scenes, but everything else was so gorgeous that I would absolutely pick up more by Nothwell.

Maia Kobabe, Ignatz award-nominated author/illustrator:

Rating: 5 stars
Aubrey Warren makes a meager living as a clerk at the Rook Mill in Manchester, England, in the 1890s. If he had his choice he’d be working instead as an engineer, but considering that he was born in a poor house he feels fortunate to have an honest job at all. Lindsey Althorp is the only son of a baronet, and becomes Warren’s employer when he wins Rook Mill in a game of cards. The two men are immediately drawn to each other and their mutual attraction is quickly confirmed, followed by an even more tender sentiment- mutual affection. Both men are smart, compassionate, and good at communicating but society has presented innumerable barriers to a relationship such as theirs. Can their feelings survive their circumstances? Well researched and rich with classical and literary references, this love story is addictively readable and charming to the core. … Highly recommended.

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