The Haunting of Heatherhurst Hall

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Heatherhurst Hall
Cumberland, England

American heiress Kit Morgan is heartbroken at the wedding of her dearest school-friend. At her lowest moment, she is rescued from her agonies by the mysterious and alluring Alexandra Cranbrook, sister of a visiting English baronet. Alexandra is beautiful, charming, and effortlessly beguiling. Kit cannot help but fall in love with her.

When Sir Vivian Cranbrook proposes marriage, it seems natural for Kit to accept—if only to live with the woman she desperately loves.

But the Cranbrook’s ancestral home of Heatherhurst Hall is not all it seems. The attic is forbidden. Strange scratching noises echo from within the walls. Wraiths stalk the corridors by night. And worst of all, Alexandra’s love has turned to scorn.

Still, Kit is determined to earn her happily-ever-after and save the Cranbrooks from the horrors of Heatherhurst Hall.

If only she could know Alexandra loved her in return.


The Haunting of Heatherhurst Hall is a Gothic romance rife with horror and heartache, wherein an American heiress makes an ill-advised marriage to bring herself closer the woman who’s stolen her heart.


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“This is genuinely exciting writing … All manner of mysteries, horrors and strangeness abound, our heroine is almost overwhelmed and the ending is a pleasantly ridiculous, violent climax with two women balancing on top of some farm machinery while swiping at each other with a hatchet and a kitchen knife. … I genuinely didn’t see any of it coming, throughout the book, and I do mean that in a good way.”



“I found the overall aesthetics of the writing, characterization of our heroes, and the weaving of the different plot elements entirely compelling. Indeed, it was hard to put the book down. I thoroughly enjoyed Kit, with her charming pragmatism and uncanny ability to take even the most crushing emotional blows in stride. …”

“While Kit and Alexandra are suffering from denying their affection, Kit is trying to come to terms with life at Heatherhurst Hall. The once-grand house is all but falling into ruin and has but one servant, a cook. In addition to the crumbling facade, Kit’s first night at the house involves an ordeal with one of the ghosts of the house. I rather enjoyed Kit’s reaction: talk to it and figure out what it wants. … There are plenty of creepy scenes and inexplicable goings on as Kit uncovers the nature of these ghosts, but Kit never lets her fear get the best of her. She is determined to prove to Alex and Vivian that the ghosts are real.”

“The final climactic scene is a horrifying battle between the human inhabitants of Heatherhurst Hall and one of the ghosts. … The final battle kept me on tenterhooks, but culminates in a suitable “happily ever after” that involves a fresh start for Kit and her family back in America. I would strongly recommend this to anyone who likes period stories, gothic horror, or sweet friends-to-enemies-to-lovers romances.”



This was soo much fun to read. Gothic atmosphere, lesbian romance, and the sum of late 19th century lesbian coded literature. It also reminded me of parts of 1940 movie “Rebecca,” elements of 1944 “Gaslight,” and the old dark house mystery movies, like 1932 James Whale’s movie “The Old Dark House.” And the ending was bat guano crazy, and I loved the ride.



“hi this was awesome, i loved it and i’m definitely going to read it again … i’ve so many thoughts!! about alexandra’s dramatic gay self and the way she casts herself deliberately as the villain or the monster when kit photographs her but in her secret fantasies she’s the damsel princess waiting for kit’s golden knight to rescue her!! also like. did vivian legit think there was an actual rat king in the walls.”

“kit was so relatable too, i loved her so much. AND, i mean, i know it’s mentioned the blurb but actually reading kit superimposing alexandra’s face over sir vivian’s and accepting his proposal like THAT was perfect.”


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